Friday, November 17, 2006

Here is an example of the state my mum is in. Yesterday I asked her what I could do at the weekend i.e. go to White Stone. (noting that on sunday when I got back she said "You're not staying there the whole weekend again are you?" and I foolishly said "No" just to avoid any argument or discussion as I was tired). So then she went on about how she didn't want me to go in the first place and I don't care and they're making me selfish by only thinking of me and what not. Then she started crying and walked out the room.
She didn't even answer my question!
Then she came back in and said "I'll tell you when I get back, I might feel more like talking about it then". (I forget where she was going) So she didn't tell me when she got back and I left for White Stone. Then she txts me saying that I can go to the morning meeting on Sunday. So i thought that was a I asked about saturday and sunday evening. I got maybe Sunday evening. Nothing about saturday.
So now I'm trying to get her to let me go on saturday as well using the fact that I need to practise for a song I'm now playing on Sunday evening.
I hope it works!!
In the mean time, I'm going to see the new James Bond film in Rugby on saturday morning so hopefully that'l be good.
Off I go now...Places to go...People to see...

Monday, November 06, 2006


Well, on saturday we had the split meeting that we have every 2 weeks. The group I was in though... Oh my gosh it was undescribable!!!! (hence the title) Yeh it was so amazing! Almost everyone was laughing or crying or both or craughtering (laughing and crying together) and I was totally filled with the spirit and well happy!!! It was great! God was really there and I could really feel him! If only it was like that all the time!
Also I think I've persuaded my mum to let me stay round White Stone from live at the well (friday) til supper (sunday)!! Yay!!!! =D I'm happy!!