Monday, October 30, 2006

I suppose I should start thinking of some decent title's for my posts...but nevermind. I just thought I should post, don't know why as I don't have to much to say.
Thanks for the prayer yesterday James!! That was good. woo 2 different drinks in 10 minutes.
erm... I miss Wednesdays! Cuz I'm at work so I can't go to White Stone for Cell group. Can't go on Friday's for anything either. No fair! At least work is only 'til christmas. Then hopefully I can get somethin with slightly more useful hours. Until then though, no cell live at the well...or anything else on monday, wednesday and friday :( Now I suppose I should get back to my college assignment, I've written enough pages already (which is VERY unusual for me) and I've only got halfway!!! (which is about as rare as a dodo on roller skates!!) So yeh off I go again...
Cya all soon!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Im Back!!

Hi guys! I'm back!
Yeh I went to Scotland for a week if you didn't know. It was quite good apart from the gale force winds, 10,000 flies and bits of flooding. so yeh just thought I would post that...
cya soon!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Oh my days life is confusing!
I have no free evenings, my friends are confused so im trying to help them as best i can, my mum isnt liking the idea of baptism at all, so i may be getting baptised on 13th july 2007(my birthday next year, when im 18)erm...ive got college work to do, ive got work at tesco now, im trying to get a job at a computer place for my apprenticeship and everything's just busy!
Deary me...
Later all...